Thursday, 25 September 2008


It sucks that the new album has been pushed back to next year, but at least they keep us entertained. Black Holes & Revelations and Continuum are the only albums in the past that I've ever been so excited about.

Wednesday, 24 September 2008


When BT came out with This Binary Universe two years ago it really set a bench mark in a new form of digital art (if you've never heard/seen it, I highly recommend buying the CD/DVD). The Animusic project is very cleverly done, as the animations are actually performing the music (in TBU the pictures were simply a sometimes-narrative accompanniment to the music, albeit pretty spectacular animations). It's really awesome to watch, and the music is pretty cool too.

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Monday, 15 September 2008

Why so serious?

The maturity is on a level you couldn't even comprehend.

That's right. It's bad humour Monday.

Freak accidents.

People were seriously hurt in these videos. They're not for the feint-hearted.

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Pandora Radio

I've been discovering an incredible amount of amazing new music over the last week. A large part of that comes from swapping music with the other Berklee students (who I'm becoming convinced collectively possess all of the music in the world), but a lot of it is due to a little thing I've found called Pandora. You enter an artist that you love and it instantly creates a radio station with similar songs, and it's a brilliant way to discover new artists. The coolest thing about it is the way it works: it doesn't judge the songs it plays you by the band, genre or mainstream success. The Music Genome Project analyses each song's makeup and Pandora plays you songs based on elements of the music you've told it you like. It's like only way better and minus the self-conscious nonsense of your top lists. Clever stuff, isn't it?

(Anyone outside the US will have to access it through this. Just select Pandora from the drop down box.)